Sunday, March 05, 2006

Cell Phone Deals for Social Anxiety Disorder

I thought this was more a of a personal shopping episode that had nothing to do with Social Phobia, but then I realized this is another example of a service that helps those with social anxiety: Shopping Online.
My Cell phone contract recently expired and I needed a new one. One of the worst places to shop is the company cell phone store (where existing customers usually have to deal with new phones and upgrades). Naturally I decided to look online. With wireless number portability in full effect, it was just easier to signup with a new carrier and transfer ("port") my number. I just decided to go to a Yahoo Search ( I know google owns Blogger, but frankly their search engine results tend to have a lot of spam and pirated content. Step your search game up, Google. Otherwise I will use Yahoo and MSN-because they return more natural results for the searcher.) Anyway, I decided since I am no Longer stuck with Verizon, I would check out that Cingular Rokr with iTunes phone. I searched and found the best deal among the first few pages of results. I ordered and got it set-up within a couple days. Now I will probably sell my old (though still valuable) Verizon phone. Free Cingular Motorola Rokr with iTunes is what I got.


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