Monday, March 06, 2006

Some Spying isn't working; Target your Markets

I read once that Bill Gates receives close to 400 million spam emails a day, most promising to help him "get rich" and "'pay his debt."

Obviously some marketing is not very targeted.

Lately I am getting a lot of invitations to join political mailing lists (email discussion lists). I really don't have any interest in politics anymore, but I will always be a libertarian. From time to time I visit political/philosohpical websites like The Agitator, Hammer of Truth, Liberty for Sale, and Reason Magazine and their Hit 'n Run Blog. Anyone who reads those sites will get an idea of my principled libertarian beliefs.

Lately I have been invited to join "moral conservatives" and another list about election results. The latter had an introduction that said "since I know you are a conservative activist." You know that, huh? Maybe your list dealer is on coke or someone's spying program ( We KNOW you are a "conservative activist"- We've been watching you) has a fatal flaw. I am neither "conservative" nor an "activist."

Granted there may have been a time the "conservative" label fit some issues I believe in. But not anymore. The fact is my beliefs are still the same principled beliefs I have always had. The "conservatives" and liberals are the ones who changed. I have no interest in "conservatism" or "taking back the GOP."

I joined the "moral conservatism" list mostly because it promised not to be a gang of "Bush Kool-Aid." Within moments, it was clear this WAS a Kool Aid dispensery. I had to quit the list because I could not take the ignorance and hatred. To the bunch, "simplemindedness" was a virtue. Anyone who saw a fault in simple thinking was by default a "liberal."

Also these days, the Conservative movement has redefined itself. But, hey at least they do define themselves as something. Even though it has NOTHING to do with traditional conservatism,IMO. To "qualify", one must agree on exactly 2 issues. 1. Outlawing Abortion is the most important issue. 2. Homosexuals are sub-human. There also must be some deluded lock-step thought that this is a "Judeo-Christian" nation and all laws must follow that.

I don't believe in any of those things, so I must be a "liberal"( ooh, scary word version).

The funny thing is, believing in the 1st,4th,5th,6th,9th,and10th ( and even the 2nd when it comes to defending one's home from invaders) Amendments these days is enough to be painted as a liberal. At some point conservatism became synonymous with obsession with gay sex and building a Theocracy akin to a Christian taliban. other popular "conservative ideals" include : expansion of the police state-no knock searches-shooting at unarmed people accused of "crimes" like betting on the Super Bowl, "big government conservatism"' Huh?, bloated entitlements, imprisoning political opponents,etc.

So yeah, I have no problem these days saying I am not a Conservative. Since everyone "knows" I am, I thought I would clear that up. And to any fake "conservatives" who believe that somehow believing in the U.S. Constitution makes one "un-patriotic", ... how do I say this?....Fuck-off.


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